Types of kidney diseases

Chronic Kidney Disease:

It is called chronic kidney disease (CKD) when the kidneys have been permanently damaged, rendering them unable to perform their normal function of filtering the blood of waste products and excess fluid. An accumulation of waste can be harmful to one’s health. Over time, this damage and your kidney function can worsen, leading to kidney failure, also known as end-stage renal disease.

More types of kidney diseases

Fabry disease

Fabry disease is an extremely rare genetic disorder that can be passed down through families. It can reduce blood flow to vital organs all over the body, including the heart, brain, and kidneys. The result may be chronic kidney disease or even kidney failure if left untreated.


Rarely, people can develop cystinosis, a condition in which harmful levels of cystine, a naturally occurring chemical, accumulate in the body. Cystinosis can damage the kidneys to the point where kidney failure develops. Medication to reduce cystine levels and possibly a kidney transplant are both necessary for people with cystinosis. Most cases of cystinosis are identified in infants, and it is a genetic condition that tends to run in families.


When the glomeruli in your kidneys become inflamed, they can no longer function as tiny filters, preventing waste and excess fluid from entering the body. Kidney failure can develop from this over time. Glomerulonephritis can be caused by a wide variety of conditions, and the treatment for it must take these into account.

IgA Nephropathy

In IgA nephropathy, immune system proteins accumulate in the kidneys and harm the glomeruli that filter blood (glomeruli). IgA nephropathy is characterised by gradual kidney damage and a lack of awareness among those affected. IgA nephropathy can cause long-term kidney damage, kidney failure, and even death. Although IgA nephropathy can’t be cured, kidney damage can be mitigated with medication.

Lupus Nephritis

Lupus nephritis is a systemic autoimmune disorder that causes discomfort, swelling, and organ damage across the body, including the kidneys. This may cause long-term kidney damage or even kidney failure. There is currently no known cure for lupus nephritis, but many people with lupus can reduce their symptoms and avoid permanent kidney damage with the help of treatment.


Atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome (aHUS) is an extremely rare inherited (inherited) disorder that causes blood clots in the body’s smallest blood vessels. Damage to your kidneys and other organs is possible due to a halt in blood flow caused by clots. Some people with aHUS may never know they have it. If a person does experience symptoms, they may not do so until a “triggering event” like pregnancy or a diagnosis of cancer.

Polycystic Kidney Disease

There is a genetic disorder called polycystic kidney disease (PKD) that causes cysts (fluid-filled growths) to develop on your kidneys and other organs. The kidneys’ ability to remove excess water and waste from the blood may be diminished as a result of these cysts. Kidney failure can develop from PKD if left untreated. Despite the lack of a definitive treatment, PKD can be managed through the management of symptoms and the slowing of cyst growth.

Rare diseases

Damage to the kidneys and a decreased capacity to remove waste and excess fluid from the blood can be caused by a number of rare diseases. Chronic kidney disease or even kidney failure can develop as a result of this kind of damage.


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